101 Feng Shui Tips for the Home
Feng-shui believes that everyone should lead a life of contentment, happiness and abundance. It can help people attain all the things they have dreamed about. And it all begins in the home. People who make their home a feng shui magnet in this way will
I became interested in feng shui almost 30 years ago when I was in Singapore. A friend of mine had a business that was failing, and as a last-ditch, desperate attempt to save it he consulted a feng shui practitioner. This man suggested a few changes, and almost immediately my friend's business began to prosper and now he is a very wealthy man.
This piqued my interest, but it was several years before I was able to learn much more, as back then there was hardly anything available in English on the subject. All my life I've made a nuisance of myself by continually asking questions. I used to travel regularly in the Far East, and everywhere I went asked questions. Some people deliberately gave me wrong answers, but this was fine, as it made me aware of just how important feng shui was to the people in this part of the world. They did not want to risk the mockery of some ignorant Westerner. Fortunately, when people realised that my interest was sincere, they opened up and spoke freely to me. The results of all of this can be found in "Feng Shui for Beginners", my first book on feng shui.
Interest in feng shui has spread around the world over the last 15 to 20 years. This is largely due to the fact that Asian people can now be found living just about everywhere, and they have taken it with them. I am excited about this, as the whole concept of feng shui involves living in harmony with the earth. If more and more people try to live like that, the world will become a better place.
However, not everyone wants to know everything there is about feng shui. When my first book came out, I was deluged with phone calls from people wanting me to feng shui their homes. When I suggested that they buy the book and do it themselves, they said that feng shui was too complicated and they would rather have someone else do it for them. If I'd had any sense, I'd have given up writing and become a feng shui consultant. Instead, I decided to write a book that would be useful for people to use in their own homes.
I have made it as simple as possible. In the book I suggest that people make one or two alterations, and then wait a few weeks to see what changes occur, before doing anything else. There are much more than 101 tips in the book. As well as the actual tips, there are chapters on each room of the house, explaining simply and clearly how feng shui can be used to improve the quality of life in each room. By doing this theoccupants will be in touch with the universal forces which will give them much more energy and zest for life.
Feng-shui believes thateveryone should lead a life of contentment, happiness and abundance. It can help people attain all the things they have dreamed about. And it all begins in the home. People who make their home a feng shui magnet in this way will attract happiness and success to themselves. They will be happier and more at peace with the world, living surrounded by harmony and beauty. Their relationships with others will improve also, enriching their lives and making their path that much smoother.
No mathematics or previous knowledge of feng shui is necessary. I have included everything that the average person will need to evaluate their home and make it as harmonious as possible. Naturally, I hope that they will be inspired to carry on with their reading on the subject and buy my other book, but that is not necessary. Enough information is included here.
I have tried to write it in an easy-to-read, chatty style to make the subject as easy to understand as possible. It is very much a "how to" book as I wanted it to be a practical introduction that people could use to make any necessary changes to their home that could improve the quality of their lives.
Almost every home can be improved with a few minor adjustments. These do not need to be expensive, either. Hanging up a crystal or windchime might be all that is required to increase the amount of ch'i - or universal life force - in the home.
Feng shui has a history going back at least 5,000 years. For thousands of years people in the Far East have used feng-shui to improve their home and family lives and live in harmony with the earth. 101 Feng-shui Tips for the Home was written to enable the reader to harness the universal forces and lead a life rich in health, wealth and happiness.
This book will also provides valuable insights into another culture who, throughout history, have paid attention to the wellbeing of our planet.
Using the simple techniques described in this book will give the readers peace of mind and a quiet confidence that can lead them to greater success than ever before. They will learn how to turn adversity to their advantage by using feng-shui remedies. Making small changes to a home can literally transform a person's life, improving it in every possible way.
101 Feng Shui Tips for the Home has been translated into Bulgarian, Dutch, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and Serbian. English language editions have also been published in India and Malaysia.
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