Gabriel: Communicating With The Archangel For Inspiration & Reconciliation
Gabriel is one of only two angels mentioned by name in the Old Testament (Michael is the other). She is the angel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, death and revelation.
Gabriel is most famous for the Annunciation, in which she told the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God. According to Judaism, Gabriel dealt death and destruction to Sodom and Gomorrah. She also dictated the Koran to Muhammad. All of this demonstrates her major role in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Gabriel is God’s messenger, and gave advice to Joan of Arc. She is involved in other areas, too. She will, for instance, provide guidance for any concerns you may have, and will also be happy to help you find your true calling in life. She will provide purification whenever you need it, and will help you nurture your clairvoyant and prophetic abilities. Naturally, she will also bring you messages whenever necessary.
Gabriel: Communicating with the Archangel for Inspiration and Reconciliation starts with a brief introduction to angels, followed by the history of Gabriel. The rest of the book is concerned with different ways in which you can contact Gabriel and ask her for help and support. These methods include cord magic, Gabriel’s specific scents and perfumes, crystals, chakras (sacral and brow), flashing tablets and the kabbalah. One chapter is concerned with Gabriel and water, as she is the Archangel of the Water element.
I know many people who have changed their lives by asking the archangels for help. In fact, it is entirely due to them that I wrote this book. Duncan, a former student of mine, is one example. He wanted to set up his own catering business. Duncan was an excellent cook, but memories of an earlier business failure prevented him from pursuing his dream. He worked long hours in a job he hated, and daydreamed about the business he would own “one day.” Finally, he called on Gabriel, because of this archangel’s interest in hopes and aspirations. He developed an action plan and started a business that ultimately became successful. Duncan credits Gabriel for finally turning his life around. “He helped me focus on what I really wanted,” he told me. “Why doesn’t someone write a book about Gabriel?” Over the years, many people have asked me the same question.
I promptly forgot his question, but the conversation came back to me a few years later when I first thought of writing a series of books on archangels. I wanted to write them, but kept putting the project off. Like Duncan, I kept saying I’d write them “one day.” I knew the project would not be easy and probably hoped someone else would do it. If someone had, I would have been able to recommend his or her books to people who asked about the archangels. Of course, the time wasn’t right.
I can’t remember when I was first introduced to the angelic kingdom. I remember a Sunday school teacher telling me that Gabriel and Raphael were the most reassuring archangels. Not surprisingly, I immediately wondered why the other archangels were not reassuring. Teachers don’t like receiving logical questions like this, and it took me years to work out what she had meant. However, I’m pleased she didn’t answer my question. If she had, my curiosity would have been satisfied, and I may never have developed an interest in the angels.
I’m not aware of any other book that focuses solely on working with Gabriel. Gabriel is the second in a series of books I’m writing on archangels. (The others are Michael, Raphael and Uriel.) If you are seeking guidance, spiritual vision, intuition or purification, the exercises in Gabriel will help you.
Gabriel: Communicating with the Archangel for Inspiration and Reconciliation has been translated into Bulgarian, Chinese (Traditional), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish (Colombia, Spain, Latin America and Spanish US Book Club).
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