50 Books with Llewellyn Publications
Post date: 14-Aug-2013 04:06:07
Way back in 1991, I decided that if I was going to make a living as a writer, I'd have to find one based in the United States. This was because I'd had three books published by a UK publisher, and they'd sold less than my earlier books published solely in New Zealand. While researching possible publishers, I read an article about Llewellyn Publications in Publishers' Weekly. According to the article, they had sold more than a million copies of a series of books on astrology. I immediately sent away for their writer's guidelines, and while waiting for it to arrive in the post (it was that long ago), bought a dozen of their books and studied them. I then wrote a book that I thought fulfilled everything their guidelines demanded. Fortunately, it must have, as that book - Revealing Hands - was published in 1994. A month ago, I visited Llewellyn's in Woodbury, MN, and was thrilled to find they'd put on a surprise party for me to mark the publication of my 50th book with them. Thank you, Llewellyn's, for enabling me to fulfil my childhood dream of becoming a full-time writer.